When you’re charged with a crime, it may feel like the entire world is against you. And your criminal defense attorney is the only person who is required by law to remain on your side no matter what.
When your freedom, job, and future life are at stake, you probably want an experienced lawyer fighting for you. We have over 30 years of experience in Florida courtrooms defending clients and serving as former prosecutors. When we say we handle all types of cases from misdemeanors to murder, we mean it — we’re one of the few North Florida firms with a capital-qualified attorney.
Our goal is to help you protect your rights while seeking an ideal outcome for your circumstances. We will take a case to trial when necessary but also aggressively pursue pretrial dismissals, charge reductions, and negotiated plea bargains. This includes avoiding charges that could block you from housing or employment whenever possible. While you have the final say in how to proceed, we use our experience to help you make an informed decision.
Our North Florida office serves Tallahassee, Perry, Monticello, Madison, and surrounding Florida in both the state and federal courts. We offer free consultations so that you can learn more about your rights and your potential options for resolving your case. Contact us now to schedule an appointment.
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