Even when the judge reads a guilty verdict, it doesn’t mean that your case is over. You have the right to appeal your trial verdict on the grounds that the judge made an error in the law or that your constitutional rights are violated. For important pretrial rulings, you may even have the right to an immediate appeal to ensure that you get a fair trial the first time.
Because appeals are based solely on the law and not rearguing the facts, it may be important to have an experienced criminal appeals attorney who can argue nuanced legal technicalities. We have over 30 years of experience arguing cases in both Florida state and federal courts, and we’re admitted to practice before the United States Supreme Court.
It may be possible to appeal your verdict, the sentence, or other post-trial decisions. Even when you don’t receive a jail sentence, it may still be wise to appeal your case to try to avoid having a criminal conviction on your record. This can help you avoid both the stigma of having a criminal charge and possibly more serious consequences if you’re later convicted of a different crime.
To learn more about your options, schedule a free consultation with one of our attorneys. Our North Florida firm serves Tallahassee, Perry, Monticello, Madison, and surrounding Florida. Contact us now for an appointment.
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